
Grooming Leader For Future


Inculcates in its Students the three “D” core values

Discipline, Dedication, Determination

Teresa International Academy

The School was started by Teresa Foundation of India Charitable Trust. It is an English Medium Co-educational for Boys and Girls conducted by The Governing Body of Teresa Foundation Of India Charitable Trust.

[AFFILIATION NO.- 330463], [SCHOOL NO.- 65432], [NIOS AFF.NO.- 030393]

Check Recent Notices By TIA PATNA.

Student Activities



Admission is granted purely on the basis of merit irrespective of caste, creed or community. Every candidate must be registered with the school prior to appearing for the admission test. For registration, the parent/guardian should obtain the prospectus-cum-application form on payment from the school office. It should be submitted to the school office within the specified time.

Chairman's Desk

Education is an un-ending and ongoing process. One has to keep the mind alert receptive to learn for human-perfection. On assuming the office as Chairman of the prestigious Teresa International Academy, I convey my immense pleasure in getting on opportunity to work and fruitfully interact with all members, staffs, students and their parents. In recent years the Teresa International Academy has grown abundantly in its size and stature. It is our solemn duty and responsibility to ensure, that purposeful education training of a high standard is imparted to our students to equip them to compete for various careers and course of choice in years to come and cohesive administrative facilities within limited resources are made available to all for shaping the institution towards attainment of our cherished goals. I ensure, to the best of my ability for selfless contribution towards the noble cause of building up the institution for all round growth the development of its children.



